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Danny Tepper

EVP, Original Content

What aspect of storytelling brought you to join the team at Wrigley Media Group?

I have a wild imagination. I was a psychology major in college, with a minor in literature. So, when I write and tell stories for an audience, I am convinced I can actually read their minds.   Wrigley Media Group is in the business of mind reading, so it's a perfect fit.  After decades of making pop culture TV shows in NYC, I'm so happy to be able to do it in The Bluegrass.

What styles influence you as a storyteller?

I write "unscripted" tv shows for a living, so I guess I am influenced by irony.  My non-linear, scatological writing style is also inspired by the books, poetry and art of the Beat Generation. But ironic poems don't sell so I try to write like my viewers speak and that seems to work well. Oh, and sarcasm.

Where do you call home, and what inspires you outside of work?  

I’m originally from New York/New Jersey but now live on an old, reclaimed horse farm in Lexington, Kentucky. We’ve been restoring the entire estate room-by-room, acre-by-acre and I am absolutely obsessed with every part of the property. But, my Instafeed knows me best; it’s populated with things I love: vids of surfing, lacrosse, and The Beatles—with a bunch of gardening mixed in for good measure. Married forever. Two kids. “Family comes first.”

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Ross Breitenbach

Head of Unscripted & Brand Development
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Emmy Trussell

Executive Assistant to the CEO
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Jennifer Barnes

Research & Development Coordinator
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